
Goodbye Terrarium (Here are some alternatives)

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Be A Narcissist

If you’re shy, an introvert, or a pushover, why not be the total opposite? You will know when you have gone too far. Then, you can calibrate your way back.
A core characteristic of narcissism is the tendency for people high in this personality trait to view themselves in the most positive light possible. Women get a boost of attractiveness when given the constant message purveyors of physical attractiveness. This communicates the need for women to look beautiful and sexy. For men, the self-focus translates into the need to do better than everyone else, and the tendency to exploit others.
When narcissism starts to creep into the high or dysfunctional end it leads you to have “unrealistically high levels of self-esteem… [that you maintain] by using a mutually reinforcing system of interpersonal and intrapersonal self-regulatory strategies”. In other words, you distort your failures and shortcomings into successes and don’t allow them to penetrate your evaluation of your strengths vs. your weaknesses. Narcissists genuinely believe that they are more attractive, intelligent, creative, and better in a myriad of ways than available evidence can support.

Most psychologically healthy individuals tend to perceive themselves as better than the “average” person; people high on narcissism see themselves as off the charts compared to others. Agentic qualities included such traits as arrogant and extraverted as well as the tendency to exaggerate own abilities, feel intelligent, behave impulsively, show leadership be power-oriented, and be manipulative. The communal qualities included being honest and agreeable, as well as being fair, likable, reliable, supportive, and open to the feedback of others.

However, that agentic-communal distinction did make a difference in evaluating the findings. Narcissists in particular distorted, in a positive direction, their qualities in areas such as leadership, intelligence, attractiveness, extraversion, and ability to accomplish things. They also saw themselves as more likable and conscientious than others did which, as you will recall, are two of the communal traits. However they didn’t particularly over-inflate their sense of agreeableness.

In general, these findings support the theory of narcissism, which predicts that people high on this trait are more likely to see themselves as agentic, or powerful and dynamic, than others. The way that narcissists try to feel good about themselves is to try to dominate others. Narcissists don’t particularly care whether they get close to people, but they do want to make sure they get their way.


Would You Date Yourself?

What’s so interesting about you? Why should she take time out of her day to go out with you? “Because I am cool” is just not good enough!

You should make a list of your good attributes. Whether it’s your cooking your family’s shrimp scampi recipe that you know how to perfect or because you and your friends go on numerous Adventures… Do not brag. Do not over qualify yourself for her but these attributes are good for you to know. Put them in dhv stories. You should have standards. You are the prize!



Closed mouths don’t get fed. In this game, sometimes you have to cheat, lie and get a little dirty. We have to take chances and take advantage of opportunities that arise unapologetically. Leave the politeness at home. Ask for more. Take what’s yours. Be greedy. Expect people to accept your reality. Ever watch the TV show Shameless? If you haven’t, see what Frank does.


There’s No “I” in Self-Made

Have you heard Arnold Schwarzenegger’s great speach? He says the idea of the self-made man is a myth, and that we must help each other, because no one can get anywhere on their own.

I came over here with absolutely nothing. I had $20 in the pocket and some sweaty clothes in a gym bag. But let me tell you, I had this one little apartment and on Thanksgiving, the bodybuilders from Gold’s Gym came to my apartment and they brought me pillows, dishes, silverware, all of the things I didn’t have. None of us can make it alone. None of us. Not even the guy that is talking to you right now, who was the greatest body builder of all times. Not even me, that has been the Terminator and went back in time to save the human race. Not even me that fought and that killed predators with his bare hands.I always tell people that you can call me anything that you want, but don’t ever, ever call me a self-made man. It gives the wrong impression, that we can do it alone. None of us can. The whole concept of the self-made man or woman is a myth. I would have never made it in my life without the help. So this is why I don’t beileve in a self-made man. Why I want you to understand that is, because as soon as you understand that you are here because of a lot of help, then you also understand that now it’s time to help others. That’s what this is all about.”

There is nothing better than a gym buddy. A buddy that will Spot you. A buddy that will push you and drive you to success. That positive wingman will motivate you. Go out into the world with someone that you think is more successful then you. Learn from each other.


Make $3,700+ in 15 Days


I have a full time job, I go to school and have a full time girlfriend. All of those three things are very time consuming but I managed to drive for Uber and Lyft after work, after class and on the weekeneds.

Get $500 by driving with Lyft. Apply here, and give 100 rides in 30 days: https://lyft.com/drivers/EDGAR845.


Get $500 by driving with Uber. Apply here, and give 75 rides in 30 days: https://partners.uber.com/i/2ozf9

I had a two door car so it did not qualify for ridesharing. I saved a few bucks and went to a auto auction. I bought a 2010, 4 door, gas saver little car and my friend signed me up with Lyft first. When you do 100 rides withing 30 days, Lyft gives you a $500 bonus (Some cities it can even be more bonus $$$). You only have to do 75 rides with Uber now!

I focused on Lyft first. Lyft has a system called Lyft line, where people share a ride with someone going in their same direction; Uber calls it Uber pool. When picking up 2-4 people going towards the same way, all 4 rides count as if you gave 4 separate rides towards your bonus quota.

I have a busy schedule, if not, I would have quadrupled the $$$ I made. I made a little more than $1,000 in 10 days with Lyft ($1,400 before they took their 25% cut). I completed my 100 rides and get this, as soon as I dropped off my 100th rider, It gave me the option to cash out right away. Lyft has the option to deposit your money within minutes to your bank account. All you need to do is make $50 giving rides and you have an option to cash out right away. It only costs 50cents; Super convenient if you are running out of gas lol. If you dont want to pay the 50 cents, pay period closes every monday and payday is on Wednesday-Thursday direct deposit depending on your bank.
I completed my 75 rides with Uber in 5 days and I made a bit over $1,200, after their fees. Gas pays on its own with people’s tips.

Get $500 by driving with Lyft. Apply here, and give 100 rides in 30 days: https://lyft.com/drivers/EDGAR845.

Or start with Uber:

Get $500 by driving with Uber. Apply here, and give 75 rides in 30 days: https://partners.uber.com/i/2ozf9

My suggestion is, focus on one first if you work/go to school. After you made sure you cash in on both bonuses from each, run both apps at the same time. Who ever beeps for a ride first, click on it and turn off driver mode for the other.

If you made the math, you are probably thinking, $1,000 + $500 bonus from Lyft, $1,200 + $500 bunus from Uber is just $3,200! The title says $3,700!

Here is the secret:
I used to take off those ugly tags from my windshield, but on a day I forgot, a coworker from my day job saw the stickers and asked me how much I made… I got $500 just for referring him! $3,700 in 15 days of driving no more than 80hrs. My used car only cost me $3,000 so it is all profit from here! I am seriously considering leaving my day job. I’m sharing the wealth:

Get $500 by driving with Lyft. Apply here, and give 100 rides in 30 days: https://lyft.com/drivers/EDGAR845.


Get $500 by driving with Uber. Apply here, and give 75 rides in 30 days: https://partners.uber.com/i/2ozf9

Please share!

Questions you might have:
-I put about 2,000 miles on my car give or take. But it only cost me $3,000 so it already paid for itself.
-I worked late nights and weekends. That worked better for me. There are Prime times that also bring more money.
-Downtown, beach cities and Hollywood got the most rides. Concerts and sporting events bring extra $. (you can figure this out with experience)
-I had candy for my riders. I got them at the dollar store. It’s a nice gesture I think.
-I carried napkins and bags just in case but luckily, no one got sick. Lyft and Uber charge the people and you get money just in case someone gets sick in your car.
-The 15 days was after I got approved. It takes 3-5 days to get approved
-New law requires an extra permit to pickup or drop off at LAX (uber and Lyft give the free training and pass)
-Your car has to be a 4 door 2001 or newer for Uber ans 2004 or newer for Lyft. May vary by city.
Over all, it was well worth the investment.
-If you don’t have a vehicle, both apps can help you rent/lease one!
